LEt's Make Pottsville Better!
For Pottsville to be BETTER, we believe we must first restore trust between our city government and our community of citizens. That means asking YOU what you need, fixing broken processes, and making city information easy to access!
A restored Pottsville is a better Pottsville!
For Pottsville to be BETTER, we believe we must focus our city’s energy and resources on rebuilding infrastructure. This means working to actively fix blight issues, upgrade roads, and create beautiful community spaces that we can be proud of.
A rebuilt Pottsville is a
better Pottsville!
For Pottsville to be BETTER, we believe the ongoing revitalization efforts in our community must come from the top down. We should be at the forefront of new initiatives and projects that align with the community’s ongoing efforts.
A revitalized Pottsville is a better Pottsville!